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tip #1
Hydration: The secret of beauty & anti-aging
Hydration is defined as the process by which we try to maintain the moisture of the skin, either by preventing the evaporation of water, or by providing additional moisture. As the temperature rises, the skin's need for water increases.
Drinking the necessary amount of water for our body is the most important thing (and for our health in general), but we can help our skin by using a moisturizing cream.
tip #2
The golden rule for a healthy & balanced diet is variety and moderation.
Adopt a healthy lifestyle and diet without deprivation, deprivation diets that promise fast weight loss. It is very important to maintain a healthy body weight as well as fat according to your gender and age.
tip #3
Summer, sea, swim: One of the best types of exercise
Exercising in water offers spectacular changes because it exercises the whole body, reduces the possibility of injury, helps slimming and reduces cellulite. It facilitates movement and contributes to better regulation of body temperature and minimizes the burden on bones and joints. Swimming raises the body's energy levels, strengthens endurance and removes tension and stress.